Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Judging, Judging.. Judged!

After reading alot of our classes bloggs, and putting alot of thought into the order, Ive made my list.

1. TeacherTube- Its for teachers by teachers, enough said.
2. WikiSpaces / Pegby - I really hate when I get stuck with a group and I do all the work, these are nice sites to keep the group in touch. Plus Wiki would be nice to keep parents in touch with teachers =]
3. Prezi - Anything to help make powerpoints more than a bunch of sentances is worth a spot.
4. SmartBoard - Im a hands on learner and writing on the board helps. I love chalk boards and white boards, so clearly a Smartboard is ten times better.
5.Superteachingtools- more speficly  Classroom Jeapordy- I Love this idea, Jeapordy was always a fun way to review and make thigns fun in the classroom!
6. Wordle- Everyone at some point needs help with english and poems.
7. Wicked- As stated above, Im hands on and learning via games is a major help! Alyssa- Very zippy!
8. Animoto- I always wanted to know how to get that flawless picutre collage with music and text for graduations or birthdays.
9. Ask Dr. Math- For those last mintue math homework questions you need help with.
10.HyperPhysics- Well a good Physics tool is always needed.

It was actually hard to decide what order to put these in, but I did it!

"Cool Tool for School", WikiSpaces

I started off this project with a simple Google search. I ran across this E- learning tools and resources for schools and education. I scrolled down and saw a familiar name, Wiki. I used Wiki for my high school teaching assistant job. This site allowed the teacher aids from every period to stay connected and work on our upcoming events as one rather than spending extra time to meet up.

      My tool for school is WikiSpaces, I made a Wiki as if I were a teacher. Over 6 million students and teachers have used Wikispaces in their classrooms since 2005. Class schedules and goals, notices for parents, and showcases of student work could all be online in minutes.. I can make a file for each student or a file for each topic. Then I can put pages in each file with notes, questions or assignments. We can post comments or post discussion topics.  I can make the wiki look anyway i want, I can let certain people edit it or post on it.  I can look at recent changes and see up to date comments. I can even link a blog to it. Once you get into wiki and start using it, you'll see how easy it is for students to stay connected on projects or stay in touch with the class.  

      I would recommend using this for older students or between parents/teachers. I most likely would use wiki between myself and the parents that way they know what is going on and they can discuss with me without a meeting.